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Upload Image & Mint as NFT

IPFS is a leading decentralized storage system. It's a common solution for storing images in a decentralized way. A user interface is required to upload images.

OKcontract worked with Lighthouse team to implement a user interface that enables to upload images to IPFS through Lighthouse service. The interface enables users to upload an image to IPFS, add a description of the image and mint it as an NFT.

Interaction Implementation

OKcontract implemented a RecorderNFT smart contract for this interaction. It enables to store image and its description on IPFS and mint as NFT.

OKcontract will automatically display an image upload component, that asks users to connect to Lighthouse and then, upload their image.

  • call publish method of RecorderNFT
  • add title and description to explain how the upload and the minting work
  • customize the mint button and color theme.

Upload to IPFs and mint as NFT


The primary benefit of this interaction implementation is the transparent tracking of image's origin, ownership, and timestamp, which are ensured by tamper-proof blockchain signatures. Once data is stored on the blockchain, there's no maintenance or intermediary service required.

Users can also sell their minted NFTs, opening up new opportunities for digital content creators. It can be a powerful tool for reporters and digital content creators, that allows them to trace photo ownership and resell the rights. Monetization opportunity includes licensing: Sub-license the digital rights of the original NFTs:

  • Transferring Content Rights: Sell content rights to another organization
  • Selling Individual Rights: Sell individual rights to a person for print.