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OKcontract SDK

The OKcontract SDK considerably simplifies the implementation of transactions to third party services and abstracts away onchain and off-chain data integration.

Design & Philosophy

The idea behind the OKcontract SDK is to operate a permissionless SDK that doesn't require an API key, making it much easier for developers to kickstart smart contract development.

Key Features

  • Reduced Amount of Code: OKcontract Interactions significantly reduce the amount of work required to integrate the smart contract interactions into your frontends.
  • Transaction Computation: The OKcontract SDK computes dynamically transactions from high-level inputs, including slippage, off-chain data, clear gas estimation, and more.
  • Wallet Connection: Establishes a secure connection to access the user's public wallet, initiates transactions, and reads the wallet's balance.
  • Onchain and Off-chain Data: Provides access to verifiable transaction data and synchronizes all required on-chain and off-chain data for transactions automatically.
  • Event Listening: Listens to events emitted by smart contracts and updates the dApp UI in real-time to reflect changes in state or the outcome of transactions.
  • Error Handling: Provides feedback and error messages to the user in case of failed transactions or issues during data fetching.
  • Support of Multiple Chains: The SDK supports major EVM-compatible blockchains, ensuring broad compatibility for your projects.