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The OKContract component encapsulates all the necessary information and functionality related to a specific smart contract. This includes the contract's ABI, address, and methods for interacting with the contract.

Instance: One per contract (possibly reused)


  • Stores contract data, including ABI and address
  • Reads from the smart contract and calls methods.


chainAnyCell<ChainType>Represents the blockchain network.
isAnonAnyCell<boolean>Indicates if the user is anonymous.
typeValueCell<"contract" \| "token">Specifies the type, either "contract" or "token".
dcContractAnyCell<SmartContract> | undefinedHolds the smart contract details if applicable.
dcTokenAnyCell<EVMToken> | undefinedHolds the EVM token details if applicable.
abiAnyCell<ABI>Contains the ABI (Application Binary Interface).
parsedAbiAnyCell<Abi>Contains the parsed ABI.
abixAnyCell<ABIExtra> | undefinedContains additional ABI information if available.
VRWAnyCell<ContractFunctionValues>Holds values for contract functions.
envsAnyCell<OKContractEnvs>List of contract environments.
envAnyCell<Environment>Full merge of contract environments.
pivotAnyCell<PivotView>Represents the pivot view.
PAnyCell<PivotFunction[]>Array of pivot functions.
pEnvAnyCell<Environment>Specific environment for the pivot.
pArgsValueCell<unknown>Arguments for the pivot function.